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Latest News

From the latest in home comfort equipment, money saving tips or even do-it-yourself heating and air conditioning repair instructions, read our blog to stay up-to-date on how to be a budget-conscious and efficient homeowner.

Reasons Why Your Electric Bill Is High

Electricity rates seem to be getting higher with each passing day, but when you’re receiving an abnormally high bill month after month, there must be a problem somewhere.

United States to Halt Freon Production in 2020

For the last several decades, Freon has been the most popular chemical used as a refrigerant in residential AC units and heat pumps. That’s about to change with the looming ban on its production next year.

New Homeowner?

You just bought a new home…CONGRATS! It’s an extremely exciting time, but boy, it’s one of the biggest financial adventures you’ll undertake whether it’s your first or fifth house.

Five Cool Arizona Adventures

Did you know August is American Adventures Month?! What adventures await you this month?