Air Conditioning Inspection

Safety InspectionFor most homeowners in Arizona, the thought of having no air conditioning is unbearable. The worst time to realize your air conditioner is not working is when we reach 100 degrees. In our experience, the best way to ensure your air conditioner is ready for the heat is to have an annual air conditioning inspection. This extensive service and cleaning will ensure your air conditioner is performing at its best.

When you call FH Air Conditioning for an air conditioning safety inspection your technician will arrive at your home on time and ready to work. Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed.

During our service, we will check:

  • Thermostat operation
  • Ductwork
  • Refrigerant levels
  • Filters, drain lines, and pans
  • Electrical disconnect, wiring & electrical connections

Our AC safety inspection will also include a free leak detection, which is a $119 value!

We’ve seen too many systems leaking and many homeowners usually don’t realize this until they don’t have air conditioning. We offer this air conditioning service so that people know ahead of time that they may need to repair or replace and can plan accordingly for that.

Our air conditioning safety inspection will help:

  • Prolong the lifespan of your equipment
  • Help eliminate the risk of unexpected and costly repairs
  • Ensure your system is running without risk to your health or safety
  • Maintain your manufacturer’s warranty
  • Save you money on your electric bill
  • Ensure reliability

Keep you comfortable in those brutal months

Just like a car, if you don’t maintain your air conditioner, you can’t expect it to perform correctly or efficiently. Don’t wait until the next heat wave to have your air conditioner inspected. Schedule your safety inspection today.

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